October has arrived! Tis the season of Thanksgiving turkey, spicy pumpkin pie, tiny chocolate bars, sticky cobwebs, and spooky ghost stories.
October also officially marks the last ninety days of the year. A total kick in the pants if you have not yet achieved your New Years resolution. But don’t panic! There’s still time to right this sinking ship before 2025 arrives. You might remember that my words for this year were: abundance and adventure. My intention was to free myself of the fear mindset which surrounded my financial stability and allow myself the opportunity to have a little fun. In full transparency, my enthusiasm swung me to the opposite end of the spectrum, as I booked a number of vacations and enrolled in various courses and hobbies during the first six months of the year. I discovered that fun is really fun! (And can be expensive at times.) My financial advisor (who is also conveniently my husband) urged me to pump the brakes. Right. Find the balance, Kel. Not surprisingly, impulsive spending is just as detrimental as a white-knuckled grip on my wallet. Learning to plan ahead has readjusted the scales and encouraged me to spend like a grown up. Was I consistent in pursuing my vision for this year? Mostly. Was I perfect? Definitely not. There is an ebb and flow to personal evolution—weeks when I wholeheartedly embraced abundance and adventure mindsets and others when I fell into a pit of scarcity and routine. However, even when making two steps forward and one step back, we still advance slowly towards positive change. As we enter the last ninety days of the year, I want to finish strong. I’ll remember to celebrate festivities with friends and family, engage in some shenanigans, but maintain a reasonable budget for both. I encourage you to revisit the vision you imagined for 2024. How close or far are you from that goal? What actions can you take in the next ninety days to move closer to achieving what you set out to? It is not time to give up and call the year a wash. It is the perfect time to double down, remember why you set the goal in the first place and move towards 2025 with intention and power. We’ve got this!
AuthorKel Cleeve. Archives
October 2024
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